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How to use Single Nominator Pool


It's recommended to get acquainted with Single Nominator Pool Specification before reading this tutorial.

Set up single-nominator


Before start make sure you have topped up and activated validator's wallet.

  1. Enable single nominator mode
MyTonCtrl> enable_mode single-nominator
  1. Check if single-nominator mode is enabled.
MyTonCtrl> status_modes
Name Status Description
single-nominator enabled Orbs's single nominator pools.
  1. Create pool
MyTonCtrl> new_single_pool <pool-name> <owner_address>

If you have already created pool it's possible to import it:

MyTonCtrl> import_pool <pool-name> <pool-addr>
  1. Type pools_list to display pool addresses
MyTonCtrl> pools_list
Name Status Balance Version Address
test-pool empty 0.0 spool_r2 kf_JcC5pn3etTAdwOnc16_tyMmKE8-ftNUnf0OnUjAIdDJpX
  1. Activate the pool
MyTonCtrl> activate_single_pool <pool-name>

After successfully activated pool:

MyTonCtrl> pools_list
Name Status Balance Version Address
test-pool active 0.99389 spool_r2 kf_JcC5pn3etTAdwOnc16_tyMmKE8-ftNUnf0OnUjAIdDJpX

Now you can work with this pool via mytonctrl like with a standard nominator pool.

к сведению

If the pool's balance is enough to participate in both rounds (balance > min_stake_amount * 2) then MyTonCtrl will automatically participate in both rounds using stake = balance / 2, unless user sets stake manually using command set stake. This behaviour is different from using a nominator pool but similar to staking using validator wallet.

Start without mytonctrl

Prepare launched Validator

If you have mytonctrl installed and validator running:

  1. Stop validation and withdraw all funds.

Prepare from the beginning

If you had no Validator before, do the following:

  1. Run a Validator and make sure it's synced.
  2. Stop validation and withdraw all funds.

Prepare Single Nominator

  1. Install nodejs v.16 and later and npm (detailed instructions)

  2. Install ts-node and arg module

$ sudo apt install ts-node
$ sudo npm i arg -g
  1. Create symlinks for compilers:
$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ton/crypto/fift /usr/local/bin/fift
$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ton/crypto/func /usr/local/bin/func
  1. Run test to make sure everything is set up properly:
$ npm run test
  1. Replace mytonctrl nominator-pool scripts: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/orbs-network/single-nominator/main/mytonctrl-scripts/install-pool-scripts.sh

Create Single Nominator Pool

  1. Get Toncenter API key from a Telegram @tonapibot
  2. Set env variables:
export OWNER_ADDRESS=<owner_address>
export VALIDATOR_ADDRESS=<validator_wallet_address>
export TON_ENDPOINT=https://toncenter.com/api/v2/jsonRPC
export TON_API_KEY=<toncenter api key>
  1. Create deployer address:
$ npm run init-deploy-wallet
Insufficient Deployer [EQAo5U...yGgbvR] funds 0
  1. Topup deployer address with 2.1 TON
  2. Deploy pool contract, you will get pool address: Ef-kC0..._WLqgs:
$ npm run deploy
  1. Convert address to .addr:
$ fift -s ./scripts/fift/str-to-addr.fif Ef-kC0..._WLqgs

(Saving address to file single-nominator.addr)

  1. Backup deployer private key "./build/deploy.config.json" and "single-nominator.addr" files
  2. Copy "single-nominator.addr" to "mytoncore/pools/single-nominator-1.addr"
  3. Send stake from owner address to single nominator address

Withdrawals from Single Nominator

Using wallets to withdraw from Single Nominator Fift:

  1. Create "withdraw.boc" request with amount:
$ fift -s ./scripts/fift/withdraw.fif <withdraw_amount>
  1. Create and sign request from owner's wallet:
$ fift -s wallet-v3.fif <my-wallet> <single_nominator_address> <sub_wallet_id> <seqno> <amount=1> -B withdraw.boc
  1. Broadcast query:
$ lite-client -C global.config.json -c 'sendfile wallet-query.boc'
  1. Create "withdraw.boc" request with amount:
$ fift -s ./scripts/fift/withdraw.fif <withdraw_amount>
  1. Send request to single nominator address:


$ tons wallet transfer <my-wallet> <single_nominator_address> <amount=1> --body withdraw.boc


npm link typescript


npx ts-node scripts/ts/withdraw-deeplink.ts <single-nominator-addr> <withdraw-amount>

d. Open deeplink on the owner's phone

Deposit pool

You can make a deposit using MyTonCtrl, using the following commands:

MyTonCtrl> mg <from-wallet-name> <pool-account-addr> <amount>


MyTonCtrl> deposit_to_pool <pool-addr> <amount>

which deposits pool from validator wallet.

Or use the following steps:

  1. Go to the pool’s page https://tonscan.org/nominator/{pool_address}.

  2. Make sure that the information about the pool is fully displayed, if the pool has the wrong smart contract, there will be no information.

  3. Press the ADD STAKE button or scan the QR-code using Tonkeeper or any other TON Wallet.

  4. After you are transferred to the wallet, please, enter the amount of TON and then send the transaction. After that TON coins will be added to staking.

If the wallet does not open automatically, you can send the transaction manually by copying the pool address. Send it through any TON wallet. From the sent transaction, 1 TON will be debited as a commission for processing the deposit.

Withdraw funds

You can also withdraw funds using the following command:

MyTonCtrl> withdraw_from_pool <pool-addr> <amount>

Or you can create and send transaction manually:

import { Address, beginCell, internal, storeMessageRelaxed, toNano } from "@ton/core";

async function main() {
const single_nominator_address = Address.parse('single nominator address');
const WITHDRAW_OP = 0x1000
const amount = 50000

const messageBody = beginCell()
.storeUint(WITHDRAW_OP, 32) // op code for withdrawal
.storeUint(0, 64) // query_id
.storeCoins(amount) // amount to withdraw

const internalMessage = internal({
to: single_nominator_address,
value: toNano('1'),
bounce: true,
body: messageBody

Election process

Set up a Single Nominator Pool

Configure the Single Nominator Pool contract using the following instructions.

Join the elections

Deposit minimum stake amount to the Single Nominator Pool.

MyTonCtrl will automatically join the elections. You can set the stake amount that mytonctrl sends to the Elector contract ~ every 18 hours on Mainnet and 2 hours on Testnet.

MyTonCtrl> set stake 90000

Minimum stake amount could be found using status command.

You can set stake as null and it will be calculated according to the stakePercent value (could be checked with status_settings command).

It's possible to check is election has already been started:

MyTonCtrl> status

and for Testnet:

MyTonCtrl> status fast

As example:

If the election has been started and Single Nominator Pool is activated, validator should automatically send ElectorNewStake message to the Elector contract at the beginning of the next round.

Check validator wallet:

MyTonCtrl> wl
Name Status Balance Ver Wch Address
validator_wallet_001 active 995.828585374 v1 -1 kf_dctjwS4tqWdeG4GcCLJ53rkgxZOGGrdDzHJ_mxPkm_Xct

Then check it transaction history:

MyTonCtrl> vas kf_dctjwS4tqWdeG4GcCLJ53rkgxZOGGrdDzHJ_mxPkm_Xct
Address Status Balance Version
kf_dctjwS4tqWdeG4GcCLJ53rkgxZOGGrdDzHJ_mxPkm_Xct active 995.828585374 v1r3

Code hash

Time Coins From/To
39 minutes ago >>> 1.3 kf_hz3BIXrn5npis1cPX5gE9msp1nMTYKZ3l4obzc8phrBfF

This ElectorNewStake transaction in Single Nominator contract history in Tonviewer:

On the above example MyTonCtrl automatically stake 90000 Toncoins on the Elector contract.

Checking Validator Status

At the beginning of the next round check MyTonCtrl validator status with status command (status fast on Testnet).

You can confirm if your node has become a full validator by checking the following conditions:

  1. Validator Efficiency - An efficiency of the local validator should be green and not n/a.
  2. Validator Index - The validator index should be greater than -1.

Checking profit

At the end of the round MyTonCtrl sends ElectorRecoverStakeRequest message to the Elector contract. It responses with stake + profit amount of Toncoins to your Single Nominator Pool.

You can also check transactions history of your pool with vas command:

Stop participating

If user doesn't want to take part in validating anymore:

  1. Disable validator mode:
MyTonCtrl> disable_mode validator
  1. Withdraw all funds from the Single Nominator contract to the owner wallet.

Transitioning a Regular Validator to Nominator Pool Mode

  1. Disable validator mode to discontinue election participation.
  2. Await the return of both your stakes from the elector.
  3. Proceed with the following steps.

Single Nominator Pool client

Run Single Nominator Pool with Vesting Contract

From the beginning, owner of Vesting Contract can manage it with his Wallet Contract. In this scheme we will manage interaction of several contracts.

ContractsInterface for Managing
owner_walletapp e.g.:Tonkeeper, MyTonWallet
  • owner_wallet - TON Wallet who own the vesting.

Make Sure you have completely done back up for Vesting owner_wallet's recovery parse. Once owner_wallet access lost, the access to managing vesting funds also lost and can't be recovered.

  1. Run a Full Node, wait sync node.
  2. Enable Validator mode, get the wallet_v1 address was created due installation - retrieve this via Mytonctrl wl.
  3. Send 200 TON(monthly expenses) to the validator_wallet.
  4. Create single_nominator_pool:
MyTonCtrl> new_single_pool <pool-name> <vesting>


MyTonCtrl> new_single_pool my_s_pool EQD...lme-D
  1. Activate single_nominator_pool:
MyTonCtrl> activate_single_pool <pool-name>


MyTonCtrl> activate_single_pool my_s_pool
  1. After receiving the single_nominator_pool address on-chain, request to whitelist your single_nominator_pool person who send you Vesting contract.
  2. Once your single_nominator_pool whitelisted, you will be able to send locked tokens from vesting contract to single_nominator_pool with vesting.ton.org.
    • a.Connect with owner_wallet on vesting.ton.org.
    • b.Make test deposit from vesting Send 10 TON to the single_nominator_pool.
    • c. Return remains(~8 TON) funds back to vesting with message [amount 0, comment w] from vesting.ton.org interface.
    • d. Make sure you received remains on vesting.
  3. Transfer the required amount of TON from the vesting contract to the single_nominator_pool for both cycles.
  4. Wait for the validators’ voting.