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TON Connect for Telegram Bots


This guide explains an outdated method of integrating TON Connect with Telegram bots. For a more secure and modern approach, consider using [Telegram Mini Apps](/v3/guidelines/dapps/tma/overview for a more modern and secure integration.

In this tutorial, we will develop a sample Telegram bot using the JavaScript TON Connect SDK, supporting TON Connect 2.0 authentication. This guide covers wallet connections, sending transactions, retrieving wallet information, and disconnecting wallets.

Open Demo Bot

Check out GitHub


  • You need to create a telegram bot using @BotFather and save its token.
  • Node JS should be installed (we use version 18.1.0 in this tutorial).
  • Docker should be installed.

Creating project

Setting up dependencies

Start by creating a Node.js project. We will use TypeScript and the node-telegram-bot-api library, though you can choose an alternative library if preferred. Also, we will use qrcode library for QR codes generation, but you can replace it with any other same library.

Let's create a directory ton-connect-bot. Add the following package.json file there:

"name": "ton-connect-bot",
"version": "1.0.0",
"scripts": {
"compile": "npx rimraf dist && tsc",
"run": "node ./dist/main.js"
"dependencies": {
"@tonconnect/sdk": "^3.0.0-beta.1",
"dotenv": "^16.0.3",
"node-telegram-bot-api": "^0.61.0",
"qrcode": "^1.5.1"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/node-telegram-bot-api": "^0.61.4",
"@types/qrcode": "^1.5.0",
"rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"typescript": "^4.9.5"

Run npm i to install dependencies.

Add a tsconfig.json

Create a tsconfig.json:

tsconfig.json code
"compilerOptions": {
"declaration": true,
"lib": ["ESNext", "dom"],
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"experimentalDecorators": false,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"target": "es6",
"strict": true,
"noImplicitAny": true,
"strictNullChecks": true,
"strictFunctionTypes": true,
"strictPropertyInitialization": true,
"noImplicitThis": true,
"alwaysStrict": true,
"noUnusedLocals": false,
"noUnusedParameters": true,
"noImplicitReturns": true,
"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
"module": "commonjs",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"sourceMap": true,
"useUnknownInCatchVariables": false,
"noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": false,
"importHelpers": false,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"allowJs": true,
"outDir": "./dist"
"include": ["src"],
"exclude": [
"./tests","node_modules", "lib", "types"]

Read more about tsconfig.json

Add simple bot code

Create a .env file and add your bot token, DAppmanifest and wallets list cache time to live there:

See more about tonconnect-manifes.json

# .env
TELEGRAM_BOT_LINK=<YOUR TG BOT LINK HERE, E.G. https://t.me/ton_connect_example_bot>

Create directory src and file bot.ts inside. Let's create a TelegramBot instance there:

// src/bot.ts

import TelegramBot from 'node-telegram-bot-api';
import * as process from 'process';

const token = process.env.TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN!;

export const bot = new TelegramBot(token, { polling: true });

Now we can create an entrypoint file main.ts inside the src directory:

// src/main.ts
import dotenv from 'dotenv';

import { bot } from './bot';

bot.on('message', msg => {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;

bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Received your message');

Here we go. You can run npm run compile and npm run start, and send any message to your bot. Bot will reply "Received your message". We are ready for the TonConnect integration.

At the moment we have the following files structure:

├── src
│ ├── bot.ts
│ └── main.ts
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── .env
└── tsconfig.json

Connecting a wallet

After installing the @tonconnect/sdk, we can begin by importing it to initialize wallet connections.

We will start with getting wallets list. We need only http-bridge-compatible wallets. Create a folder ton-connect into src and add wallets.ts file there: We also define function getWalletInfo that queries detailed wallet info by its appName. The difference between name and appName is that name is a human-readable label of the wallet, and appName is the wallet's uniq identifier.

// src/ton-connect/wallets.ts

import { isWalletInfoRemote, WalletInfoRemote, WalletsListManager } from '@tonconnect/sdk';

const walletsListManager = new WalletsListManager({
cacheTTLMs: Number(process.env.WALLETS_LIST_CACHE_TTL_MS)

export async function getWallets(): Promise<WalletInfoRemote[]> {
const wallets = await walletsListManager.getWallets();
return wallets.filter(isWalletInfoRemote);

export async function getWalletInfo(walletAppName: string): Promise<WalletInfo | undefined> {
const wallets = await getWallets();
return wallets.find(wallet => wallet.appName.toLowerCase() === walletAppName.toLowerCase());

Now we need to define a TonConnect storage. TonConnect uses localStorage to save connection details when running in the browser, however there is no localStorage in NodeJS environment. That's why we should add a custom simple storage implementation.

See details about TonConnect storage

Create storage.ts inside ton-connect directory:

// src/ton-connect/storage.ts

import { IStorage } from '@tonconnect/sdk';

const storage = new Map<string, string>(); // temporary storage implementation. We will replace it with the redis later

export class TonConnectStorage implements IStorage {
constructor(private readonly chatId: number) {} // we need to have different stores for different users

private getKey(key: string): string {
return this.chatId.toString() + key; // we will simply have different keys prefixes for different users

async removeItem(key: string): Promise<void> {

async setItem(key: string, value: string): Promise<void> {
storage.set(this.getKey(key), value);

async getItem(key: string): Promise<string | null> {
return storage.get(this.getKey(key)) || null;

We are moving on implementing a wallet connection. Modify src/main.ts and add connect command. We are going to implement a wallet connection in this command handler.

import dotenv from 'dotenv';

import { bot } from './bot';
import { getWallets } from './ton-connect/wallets';
import TonConnect from '@tonconnect/sdk';
import { TonConnectStorage } from './ton-connect/storage';
import QRCode from 'qrcode';

bot.onText(/\/connect/, async msg => {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;
const wallets = await getWallets();

const connector = new TonConnect({
storage: new TonConnectStorage(chatId),
manifestUrl: process.env.MANIFEST_URL

connector.onStatusChange(wallet => {
if (wallet) {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `${wallet.device.appName} wallet connected!`);

const tonkeeper = wallets.find(wallet => wallet.appName === 'tonkeeper')!;

const link = connector.connect({
bridgeUrl: tonkeeper.bridgeUrl,
universalLink: tonkeeper.universalLink
const image = await QRCode.toBuffer(link);

await bot.sendPhoto(chatId, image);

Let's analyze what we are doing here. Firstly we fetch the wallets list and create a TonConnect instance. After that we subscribe to wallet change. When user connects a wallet, bot will send a message ${wallet.device.appName} wallet connected!. Next we find the Tonkeeper wallet and create connection link. In the end we generate a QR code with the link and send it as a photo to the user.

Now you can run the bot (npm run compile and npm run start then) and send /connect message to the bot. Bot should reply with the QR. Scan it with the Tonkeeper wallet. You will see a message Tonkeeper wallet connected! in the chat.

We will use connector in many places, so let's move connector creating code to a separate file:

// src/ton-connect/connector.ts

import TonConnect from '@tonconnect/sdk';
import { TonConnectStorage } from './storage';
import * as process from 'process';

export function getConnector(chatId: number): TonConnect {
return new TonConnect({
manifestUrl: process.env.MANIFEST_URL,
storage: new TonConnectStorage(chatId)

And import it in the src/main.ts

// src/main.ts

import dotenv from 'dotenv';

import { bot } from './bot';
import { getWallets } from './ton-connect/wallets';
import QRCode from 'qrcode';
import { getConnector } from './ton-connect/connector';

bot.onText(/\/connect/, async msg => {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;
const wallets = await getWallets();

const connector = getConnector(chatId);

connector.onStatusChange(wallet => {
if (wallet) {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `${wallet.device.appName} wallet connected!`);

const tonkeeper = wallets.find(wallet => wallet.appName === 'tonkeeper')!;

const link = connector.connect({
bridgeUrl: tonkeeper.bridgeUrl,
universalLink: tonkeeper.universalLink
const image = await QRCode.toBuffer(link);

await bot.sendPhoto(chatId, image);

At the moment we have the following files structure:

├── src
│ ├── ton-connect
│ │ ├── connector.ts
│ │ ├── wallets.ts
│ │ └── storage.ts
│ ├── bot.ts
│ └── main.ts
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── .env
└── tsconfig.json

Creating connect wallet menu

Add inline keyboard

We've done the Tonkeeper wallet connection. But we didn't implement connection via universal QR code for all wallets, and didn't allow the user to choose suitable wallet. Let's cover it now.

For better UX we are going to use callback_query and inline_keyboard Telegram features. If you don't fill familiar with that, you can read more about it here.

We will implement following UX for wallet connection:

First screen:
<Unified QR>
<Open @wallet>, <Choose a wallet button (opens second screen)>, <Open wallet unified link>

Second screen:
<Unified QR>
<Back (opens first screen)>
<@wallet button (opens third screen)>, <Tonkeeper button (opens third screen)>, <Tonhub button (opens third screen)>, <...>

Third screen:
<Selected wallet QR>
<Back (opens second screen)>
<Open selected wallet link>

Let's start with adding inline keyboard to the /connect command handler in the main.ts

// src/main.ts
bot.onText(/\/connect/, async msg => {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;
const wallets = await getWallets();

const connector = getConnector(chatId);

connector.onStatusChange(async wallet => {
if (wallet) {
const walletName =
(await getWalletInfo(wallet.device.appName))?.name || wallet.device.appName;
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `${walletName} wallet connected!`);

const link = connector.connect(wallets);
const image = await QRCode.toBuffer(link);

await bot.sendPhoto(chatId, image, {
reply_markup: {
inline_keyboard: [
text: 'Choose a Wallet',
callback_data: JSON.stringify({ method: 'chose_wallet' })
text: 'Open Link',
url: `https://ton-connect.github.io/open-tc?connect=${encodeURIComponent(

We need to wrap TonConnect deeplink as https://ton-connect.github.io/open-tc?connect=${encodeURIComponent(link)} because only http links are allowed in the Telegram inline keyboard. Website https://ton-connect.github.io/open-tc just redirects user to link passed in the connect query param, so it's only workaround to open tc:// link in the Telegram.

Note that we replaced connector.connect call arguments. Now we are generating a unified link for all wallets.

Next we tell Telegram to call callback_query handler with { "method": "chose_wallet" } value when user clicks to the Choose a Wallet button.

Add Choose a Wallet button handler

Create a file src/connect-wallet-menu.ts.

Let's add 'Choose a Wallet' button click handler there:

// src/connect-wallet-menu.ts

async function onChooseWalletClick(query: CallbackQuery, _: string): Promise<void> {
const wallets = await getWallets();

await bot.editMessageReplyMarkup(
inline_keyboard: [
wallets.map(wallet => ({
text: wallet.name,
callback_data: JSON.stringify({ method: 'select_wallet', data: wallet.appName })
text: '« Back',
callback_data: JSON.stringify({
method: 'universal_qr'
message_id: query.message!.message_id,
chat_id: query.message!.chat.id

Here we are replacing the message inline keyboard with a new one that contains clickable list of wallets and 'Back' button.

Now we will add global callback_query handler and register onChooseWalletClick there:

// src/connect-wallet-menu.ts
import { CallbackQuery } from 'node-telegram-bot-api';
import { getWallets } from './ton-connect/wallets';
import { bot } from './bot';

export const walletMenuCallbacks = { // Define buttons callbacks
chose_wallet: onChooseWalletClick

bot.on('callback_query', query => { // Parse callback data and execute corresponing function
if (!query.data) {

let request: { method: string; data: string };

try {
request = JSON.parse(query.data);
} catch {

if (!walletMenuCallbacks[request.method as keyof typeof walletMenuCallbacks]) {

walletMenuCallbacks[request.method as keyof typeof walletMenuCallbacks](query, request.data);

// ... other code from the previous ster
async function onChooseWalletClick ...

Here we define buttons handlers list and callback_query parser. Unfortunately callback data is always string, so we have to pass JSON to the callback_data and parse it later in the callback_query handler. Then we are looking for the requested method and call it with passed parameters.

Now we should add connect-wallet-menu.ts import to the main.ts

// src/main.ts

// ... other imports

import './connect-wallet-menu';

// ... other code

Compile and run the bot. You can click to the Choose a wallet button and bot will replace inline keyboard buttons!

Add other buttons handlers

Let's complete this menu and add rest commands handlers.

Firstly we will create a utility function editQR. Editing message media (QR image) is a bit tricky. We need to store image to the file and send it to the Telegram server. Then we can remove this file.

// src/connect-wallet-menu.ts

// ... other code

async function editQR(message: TelegramBot.Message, link: string): Promise<void> {
const fileName = 'QR-code-' + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000000000);

await QRCode.toFile(`./${fileName}`, link);

await bot.editMessageMedia(
type: 'photo',
media: `attach://${fileName}`
message_id: message?.message_id,
chat_id: message?.chat.id

await new Promise(r => fs.rm(`./${fileName}`, r));

In onOpenUniversalQRClick handler we just regenerate a QR and deeplink and modify the message:

// src/connect-wallet-menu.ts

// ... other code

async function onOpenUniversalQRClick(query: CallbackQuery, _: string): Promise<void> {
const chatId = query.message!.chat.id;
const wallets = await getWallets();

const connector = getConnector(chatId);

connector.onStatusChange(wallet => {
if (wallet) {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `${wallet.device.appName} wallet connected!`);

const link = connector.connect(wallets);

await editQR(query.message!, link);

await bot.editMessageReplyMarkup(
inline_keyboard: [
text: 'Choose a Wallet',
callback_data: JSON.stringify({ method: 'chose_wallet' })
text: 'Open Link',
url: `https://ton-connect.github.io/open-tc?connect=${encodeURIComponent(
message_id: query.message?.message_id,
chat_id: query.message?.chat.id

// ... other code

In onWalletClick handler we are creating special QR and universal link for selected wallet only, and modify the message.

// src/connect-wallet-menu.ts

// ... other code

async function onWalletClick(query: CallbackQuery, data: string): Promise<void> {
const chatId = query.message!.chat.id;
const connector = getConnector(chatId);

connector.onStatusChange(wallet => {
if (wallet) {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `${wallet.device.appName} wallet connected!`);

const selectedWallet = await getWalletInfo(data);
if (!selectedWallet) {

const link = connector.connect({
bridgeUrl: selectedWallet.bridgeUrl,
universalLink: selectedWallet.universalLink

await editQR(query.message!, link);

await bot.editMessageReplyMarkup(
inline_keyboard: [
text: '« Back',
callback_data: JSON.stringify({ method: 'chose_wallet' })
text: `Open ${selectedWallet.name}`,
url: link
message_id: query.message?.message_id,
chat_id: chatId

// ... other code

Now we have to register this functions as callbacks (walletMenuCallbacks):

// src/connect-wallet-menu.ts
import TelegramBot, { CallbackQuery } from 'node-telegram-bot-api';
import { getWallets } from './ton-connect/wallets';
import { bot } from './bot';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import { getConnector } from './ton-connect/connector';
import QRCode from 'qrcode';

export const walletMenuCallbacks = {
chose_wallet: onChooseWalletClick,
select_wallet: onWalletClick,
universal_qr: onOpenUniversalQRClick

// ... other code
Currently src/connect-wallet-menu.ts looks like that
// src/connect-wallet-menu.ts

import TelegramBot, { CallbackQuery } from 'node-telegram-bot-api';
import { getWallets, getWalletInfo } from './ton-connect/wallets';
import { bot } from './bot';
import { getConnector } from './ton-connect/connector';
import QRCode from 'qrcode';
import * as fs from 'fs';

export const walletMenuCallbacks = {
chose_wallet: onChooseWalletClick,
select_wallet: onWalletClick,
universal_qr: onOpenUniversalQRClick

bot.on('callback_query', query => { // Parse callback data and execute corresponing function
if (!query.data) {

let request: { method: string; data: string };

try {
request = JSON.parse(query.data);
} catch {

if (!callbacks[request.method as keyof typeof callbacks]) {

callbacks[request.method as keyof typeof callbacks](query, request.data);

async function onChooseWalletClick(query: CallbackQuery, _: string): Promise<void> {
const wallets = await getWallets();

await bot.editMessageReplyMarkup(
inline_keyboard: [
wallets.map(wallet => ({
text: wallet.name,
callback_data: JSON.stringify({ method: 'select_wallet', data: wallet.appName })
text: '« Back',
callback_data: JSON.stringify({
method: 'universal_qr'
message_id: query.message!.message_id,
chat_id: query.message!.chat.id

async function onOpenUniversalQRClick(query: CallbackQuery, _: string): Promise<void> {
const chatId = query.message!.chat.id;
const wallets = await getWallets();

const connector = getConnector(chatId);

connector.onStatusChange(wallet => {
if (wallet) {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `${wallet.device.appName} wallet connected!`);

const link = connector.connect(wallets);

await editQR(query.message!, link);

await bot.editMessageReplyMarkup(
inline_keyboard: [
text: 'Choose a Wallet',
callback_data: JSON.stringify({ method: 'chose_wallet' })
text: 'Open Link',
url: `https://ton-connect.github.io/open-tc?connect=${encodeURIComponent(
message_id: query.message?.message_id,
chat_id: query.message?.chat.id

async function onWalletClick(query: CallbackQuery, data: string): Promise<void> {
const chatId = query.message!.chat.id;
const connector = getConnector(chatId);

connector.onStatusChange(wallet => {
if (wallet) {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `${wallet.device.appName} wallet connected!`);

const selectedWallet = await getWalletInfo(data);
if (!selectedWallet) {

const link = connector.connect({
bridgeUrl: selectedWallet.bridgeUrl,
universalLink: selectedWallet.universalLink

await editQR(query.message!, link);

await bot.editMessageReplyMarkup(
inline_keyboard: [
text: '« Back',
callback_data: JSON.stringify({ method: 'chose_wallet' })
text: `Open ${selectedWallet.name}`,
url: link
message_id: query.message?.message_id,
chat_id: chatId

async function editQR(message: TelegramBot.Message, link: string): Promise<void> {
const fileName = 'QR-code-' + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000000000);

await QRCode.toFile(`./${fileName}`, link);

await bot.editMessageMedia(
type: 'photo',
media: `attach://${fileName}`
message_id: message?.message_id,
chat_id: message?.chat.id

await new Promise(r => fs.rm(`./${fileName}`, r));

Compile and run the bot to check how wallet connection works now.

You may note that we haven't considered QR code expiration and stopping connectors yet. We will handle it later.

At the moment we have the following files structure:

├── src
│ ├── ton-connect
│ │ ├── connector.ts
│ │ ├── wallets.ts
│ │ └── storage.ts
│ ├── bot.ts
│ ├── connect-wallet-menu.ts
│ └── main.ts
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── .env
└── tsconfig.json

Implement transaction sending

Before write new code that sends a transaction, let's clean up the code. We're going to create a new file for bot commands handlers ('/connect', '/send_tx', ...)

// src/commands-handlers.ts

import { bot } from './bot';
import { getWallets } from './ton-connect/wallets';
import QRCode from 'qrcode';
import TelegramBot from 'node-telegram-bot-api';
import { getConnector } from './ton-connect/connector';

export async function handleConnectCommand(msg: TelegramBot.Message): Promise<void> {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;
const wallets = await getWallets();

const connector = getConnector(chatId);

connector.onStatusChange(wallet => {
if (wallet) {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `${wallet.device.appName} wallet connected!`);

const link = connector.connect(wallets);
const image = await QRCode.toBuffer(link);

await bot.sendPhoto(chatId, image, {
reply_markup: {
inline_keyboard: [
text: 'Choose a Wallet',
callback_data: JSON.stringify({ method: 'chose_wallet' })
text: 'Open Link',
url: `https://ton-connect.github.io/open-tc?connect=${encodeURIComponent(

Let's import that in the main.ts and also move callback_query entrypoint from connect-wallet-menu.ts to the main.ts:

// src/main.ts

import dotenv from 'dotenv';

import { bot } from './bot';
import './connect-wallet-menu';
import { handleConnectCommand } from './commands-handlers';
import { walletMenuCallbacks } from './connect-wallet-menu';

const callbacks = {

bot.on('callback_query', query => {
if (!query.data) {

let request: { method: string; data: string };

try {
request = JSON.parse(query.data);
} catch {

if (!callbacks[request.method as keyof typeof callbacks]) {

callbacks[request.method as keyof typeof callbacks](query, request.data);

bot.onText(/\/connect/, handleConnectCommand);
// src/connect-wallet-menu.ts

// ... imports

export const walletMenuCallbacks = {
chose_wallet: onChooseWalletClick,
select_wallet: onWalletClick,
universal_qr: onOpenUniversalQRClick

async function onChooseWalletClick(query: CallbackQuery, _: string): Promise<void> {

// ... other code

Now we can add send_tx command handler:

// src/commands-handlers.ts

// ... other code

export async function handleSendTXCommand(msg: TelegramBot.Message): Promise<void> {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;

const connector = getConnector(chatId);

await connector.restoreConnection();
if (!connector.connected) {
await bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Connect wallet to send transaction');

validUntil: Math.round(Date.now() / 1000) + 600, // timeout is SECONDS
messages: [
amount: '1000000',
address: '0:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
.then(() => {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `Transaction sent successfully`);
.catch(e => {
if (e instanceof UserRejectsError) {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `You rejected the transaction`);

bot.sendMessage(chatId, `Unknown error happened`);
.finally(() => connector.pauseConnection());

let deeplink = '';
const walletInfo = await getWalletInfo(connector.wallet!.device.appName);
if (walletInfo) {
deeplink = walletInfo.universalLink;

await bot.sendMessage(
`Open ${walletInfo?.name || connector.wallet!.device.appName} and confirm transaction`,
reply_markup: {
inline_keyboard: [
text: 'Open Wallet',
url: deeplink

Here we check if user's wallet is connected and process sending transaction. Then we send a message to the user with a button that opens user's wallet (wallet universal link without additional parameters). Note that this button contains an empty deeplink. It means that send transaction request data goes through the http-bridge, and transaction will appear it the user's wallet even if he just open the wallet app without clicking to this button.

Let's register this handler:

// src/main.ts

// ... other code

bot.onText(/\/connect/, handleConnectCommand);

bot.onText(/\/send_tx/, handleSendTXCommand);

Compile and run the bot to check that transaction sending works correctly.

At the moment we have the following files structure:

├── src
│ ├── ton-connect
│ │ ├── connector.ts
│ │ ├── wallets.ts
│ │ └── storage.ts
│ ├── bot.ts
│ ├── connect-wallet-menu.ts
│ ├── commands-handlers.ts
│ └── main.ts
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── .env
└── tsconfig.json

Add disconnect and show connected wallet commands

This commands implementation is simple enough:

// src/commands-handlers.ts

// ... other code

export async function handleDisconnectCommand(msg: TelegramBot.Message): Promise<void> {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;

const connector = getConnector(chatId);

await connector.restoreConnection();
if (!connector.connected) {
await bot.sendMessage(chatId, "You didn't connect a wallet");

await connector.disconnect();

await bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Wallet has been disconnected');

export async function handleShowMyWalletCommand(msg: TelegramBot.Message): Promise<void> {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;

const connector = getConnector(chatId);

await connector.restoreConnection();
if (!connector.connected) {
await bot.sendMessage(chatId, "You didn't connect a wallet");

const walletName =
(await getWalletInfo(connector.wallet!.device.appName))?.name ||

await bot.sendMessage(
`Connected wallet: ${walletName}\nYour address: ${toUserFriendlyAddress(
connector.wallet!.account.chain === CHAIN.TESTNET

And register this commands:

// src/main.ts

// ... other code

bot.onText(/\/connect/, handleConnectCommand);
bot.onText(/\/send_tx/, handleSendTXCommand);
bot.onText(/\/disconnect/, handleDisconnectCommand);
bot.onText(/\/my_wallet/, handleShowMyWalletCommand);

Compile and run the bot to check that commands above works correctly.


We've done all basic commands. But it is important to keep in mind that each connector keeps SSE connection opened until it is paused. Also, we didn't handle case when user calls /connect multiple times, or calls /connect or /send_tx and doesn't scan the QR. We should set a timeout and close the connection to save server resources. Then we should notify user that QR / transaction request is expired.

Send transaction optimisation

Let's create a utility function that wraps a promise and rejects it after the specified timeout:

// src/utils.ts

export const pTimeoutException = Symbol();

export function pTimeout<T>(
promise: Promise<T>,
time: number,
exception: unknown = pTimeoutException
): Promise<T> {
let timer: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>;
return Promise.race([
new Promise((_r, rej) => (timer = setTimeout(rej, time, exception)))
]).finally(() => clearTimeout(timer)) as Promise<T>;

You can use this code or pick a library you like.

Let's add a timeout parameter value to the .env

# .env

Now we are going to improve handleSendTXCommand function and wrap tx sending to the pTimeout

// src/commands-handlers.ts

// export async function handleSendTXCommand(msg: TelegramBot.Message): Promise<void> { ...

validUntil: Math.round(
(Date.now() + Number(process.env.DELETE_SEND_TX_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_MS)) / 1000
messages: [
amount: '1000000',
address: '0:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
.then(() => {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `Transaction sent successfully`);
.catch(e => {
if (e === pTimeoutException) {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `Transaction was not confirmed`);

if (e instanceof UserRejectsError) {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `You rejected the transaction`);

bot.sendMessage(chatId, `Unknown error happened`);
.finally(() => connector.pauseConnection());

// ... other code
Full handleSendTXCommand code
export async function handleSendTXCommand(msg: TelegramBot.Message): Promise<void> {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;

const connector = getConnector(chatId);

await connector.restoreConnection();
if (!connector.connected) {
await bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Connect wallet to send transaction');

validUntil: Math.round(
(Date.now() + Number(process.env.DELETE_SEND_TX_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_MS)) / 1000
messages: [
amount: '1000000',
address: '0:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
.then(() => {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `Transaction sent successfully`);
.catch(e => {
if (e === pTimeoutException) {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `Transaction was not confirmed`);

if (e instanceof UserRejectsError) {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `You rejected the transaction`);

bot.sendMessage(chatId, `Unknown error happened`);
.finally(() => connector.pauseConnection());

let deeplink = '';
const walletInfo = await getWalletInfo(connector.wallet!.device.appName);
if (walletInfo) {
deeplink = walletInfo.universalLink;

await bot.sendMessage(
`Open ${walletInfo?.name || connector.wallet!.device.appName} and confirm transaction`,
reply_markup: {
inline_keyboard: [
text: 'Open Wallet',
url: deeplink

If user doesn't confirm the transaction during DELETE_SEND_TX_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_MS (10min), the transaction will be cancelled and bot will send a message Transaction was not confirmed.

You can set this parameter to 5000 compile and rerun the bot and test its behaviour.

Wallet connect flow optimisation

At this moment we create a new connector on the every navigation through the wallet connection menu step. That is poorly because we don't close previous connectors connection when create new connectors. Let's improve this behaviour and create a cache-mapping for users connectors.

src/ton-connect/connector.ts code
// src/ton-connect/connector.ts

import TonConnect from '@tonconnect/sdk';
import { TonConnectStorage } from './storage';
import * as process from 'process';

type StoredConnectorData = {
connector: TonConnect;
timeout: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>;
onConnectorExpired: ((connector: TonConnect) => void)[];

const connectors = new Map<number, StoredConnectorData>();

export function getConnector(
chatId: number,
onConnectorExpired?: (connector: TonConnect) => void
): TonConnect {
let storedItem: StoredConnectorData;
if (connectors.has(chatId)) {
storedItem = connectors.get(chatId)!;
} else {
storedItem = {
connector: new TonConnect({
manifestUrl: process.env.MANIFEST_URL,
storage: new TonConnectStorage(chatId)
onConnectorExpired: []
} as unknown as StoredConnectorData;

if (onConnectorExpired) {

storedItem.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
if (connectors.has(chatId)) {
const storedItem = connectors.get(chatId)!;
storedItem.onConnectorExpired.forEach(callback => callback(storedItem.connector));
}, Number(process.env.CONNECTOR_TTL_MS));

connectors.set(chatId, storedItem);
return storedItem.connector;

This code may look a little tricky, but here we go. Here we store a connector, it's cleaning timeout and list of callback that should be executed after the timeout for each user.

When getConnector is called we check if there is an existing connector for this chatId (user) it the cache. If it exists we reset the cleaning timeout and return the connector. That allows keep active users connectors in cache. It there is no connector in the cache we create a new one, register a timeout clean function and return this connector.

To make it works we have to add a new parameter to the .env

# .env

Now let's use it in the handelConnectCommand

src/commands-handlers.ts code
// src/commands-handlers.ts

import {
} from '@tonconnect/sdk';
import { bot } from './bot';
import { getWallets, getWalletInfo } from './ton-connect/wallets';
import QRCode from 'qrcode';
import TelegramBot from 'node-telegram-bot-api';
import { getConnector } from './ton-connect/connector';
import { pTimeout, pTimeoutException } from './utils';

let newConnectRequestListenersMap = new Map<number, () => void>();

export async function handleConnectCommand(msg: TelegramBot.Message): Promise<void> {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;
let messageWasDeleted = false;


const connector = getConnector(chatId, () => {

await connector.restoreConnection();
if (connector.connected) {
const connectedName =
(await getWalletInfo(connector.wallet!.device.appName))?.name ||

await bot.sendMessage(
`You have already connect ${connectedName} wallet\nYour address: ${toUserFriendlyAddress(
connector.wallet!.account.chain === CHAIN.TESTNET
)}\n\n Disconnect wallet firstly to connect a new one`


const unsubscribe = connector.onStatusChange(async wallet => {
if (wallet) {
await deleteMessage();

const walletName =
(await getWalletInfo(wallet.device.appName))?.name || wallet.device.appName;
await bot.sendMessage(chatId, `${walletName} wallet connected successfully`);

const wallets = await getWallets();

const link = connector.connect(wallets);
const image = await QRCode.toBuffer(link);

const botMessage = await bot.sendPhoto(chatId, image, {
reply_markup: {
inline_keyboard: [
text: 'Choose a Wallet',
callback_data: JSON.stringify({ method: 'chose_wallet' })
text: 'Open Link',
url: `https://ton-connect.github.io/open-tc?connect=${encodeURIComponent(

const deleteMessage = async (): Promise<void> => {
if (!messageWasDeleted) {
messageWasDeleted = true;
await bot.deleteMessage(chatId, botMessage.message_id);

newConnectRequestListenersMap.set(chatId, async () => {

await deleteMessage();


// ... other code

We defined newConnectRequestListenersMap to store cleanup callback for the last connect request for each user. If user calls /connect multiple times, bot will delete previous message with QR. Also, we subscribed to the connector expiration timeout to delete the QR-code message when it is expired.

Now we should remove connector.onStatusChange subscription from the connect-wallet-menu.ts functions, because they use the same connector instance and one subscription in the handleConnectCommand in enough.

src/connect-wallet-menu.ts code
// src/connect-wallet-menu.ts

// ... other code

async function onOpenUniversalQRClick(query: CallbackQuery, _: string): Promise<void> {
const chatId = query.message!.chat.id;
const wallets = await getWallets();

const connector = getConnector(chatId);

const link = connector.connect(wallets);

await editQR(query.message!, link);

await bot.editMessageReplyMarkup(
inline_keyboard: [
text: 'Choose a Wallet',
callback_data: JSON.stringify({ method: 'chose_wallet' })
text: 'Open Link',
url: `https://ton-connect.github.io/open-tc?connect=${encodeURIComponent(
message_id: query.message?.message_id,
chat_id: query.message?.chat.id

async function onWalletClick(query: CallbackQuery, data: string): Promise<void> {
const chatId = query.message!.chat.id;
const connector = getConnector(chatId);

const wallets = await getWallets();

const selectedWallet = wallets.find(wallet => wallet.name === data);
if (!selectedWallet) {

const link = connector.connect({
bridgeUrl: selectedWallet.bridgeUrl,
universalLink: selectedWallet.universalLink

await editQR(query.message!, link);

await bot.editMessageReplyMarkup(
inline_keyboard: [
text: '« Back',
callback_data: JSON.stringify({ method: 'chose_wallet' })
text: `Open ${data}`,
url: link
message_id: query.message?.message_id,
chat_id: chatId

// ... other code

That's it! Compile and run the bot and try to call /connect twice.

Improve interaction with @wallet

Starting from v3 TonConnect supports connection to TWA wallets like @wallet. At the moment in the tutorial the bot could be connected to the @wallet. However, we should improve redirection strategy to provide better UX. Moreover, let's add Connect @wallet button to the first ("Universal QR") screen.

First, let's create some utility functions:

// src/utils.ts
import { encodeTelegramUrlParameters, isTelegramUrl } from '@tonconnect/sdk';

export const AT_WALLET_APP_NAME = 'telegram-wallet';

// ... other code
export function addTGReturnStrategy(link: string, strategy: string): string {
const parsed = new URL(link);
parsed.searchParams.append('ret', strategy);
link = parsed.toString();

const lastParam = link.slice(link.lastIndexOf('&') + 1);
return link.slice(0, link.lastIndexOf('&')) + '-' + encodeTelegramUrlParameters(lastParam);

export function convertDeeplinkToUniversalLink(link: string, walletUniversalLink: string): string {
const search = new URL(link).search;
const url = new URL(walletUniversalLink);

if (isTelegramUrl(walletUniversalLink)) {
const startattach = 'tonconnect-' + encodeTelegramUrlParameters(search.slice(1));
url.searchParams.append('startattach', startattach);
} else {
url.search = search;

return url.toString();

TonConnect parameters in Telegram links have to be encoded in special way, that's why we use encodeTelegramUrlParameters to encode return strategy parameter. We will use addTGReturnStrategy to provide correct return url to the demo bot for @wallet.

Since we use Universal QR page creation code in two places, we are moving it to the separate function:

// src/utils.ts

// ... other code

export async function buildUniversalKeyboard(
link: string,
wallets: WalletInfoRemote[]
): Promise<InlineKeyboardButton[]> {
const atWallet = wallets.find(wallet => wallet.appName.toLowerCase() === AT_WALLET_APP_NAME);
const atWalletLink = atWallet
? addTGReturnStrategy(
convertDeeplinkToUniversalLink(link, atWallet?.universalLink),
: undefined;

const keyboard = [
text: 'Choose a Wallet',
callback_data: JSON.stringify({ method: 'chose_wallet' })
text: 'Open Link',
url: `https://ton-connect.github.io/open-tc?connect=${encodeURIComponent(link)}`

if (atWalletLink) {
text: '@wallet',
url: atWalletLink

return keyboard;

Here we are adding separate button for @wallet to the First screen (Universal QR screen). All that remains is to use this function in connect-wallet-menu and command-handlers:

src/connect-wallet-menu.ts code
// src/connect-wallet-menu.ts

// ... other code

async function onOpenUniversalQRClick(query: CallbackQuery, _: string): Promise<void> {
const chatId = query.message!.chat.id;
const wallets = await getWallets();

const connector = getConnector(chatId);

const link = connector.connect(wallets);

await editQR(query.message!, link);

const keyboard = await buildUniversalKeyboard(link, wallets);

await bot.editMessageReplyMarkup(
inline_keyboard: [keyboard]
message_id: query.message?.message_id,
chat_id: query.message?.chat.id

// ... other code
src/commands-handlers.ts code
// src/commands-handlers.ts

// ... other code

export async function handleConnectCommand(msg: TelegramBot.Message): Promise<void> {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;
let messageWasDeleted = false;


const connector = getConnector(chatId, () => {

await connector.restoreConnection();
if (connector.connected) {
const connectedName =
(await getWalletInfo(connector.wallet!.device.appName))?.name ||
await bot.sendMessage(
`You have already connect ${connectedName} wallet\nYour address: ${toUserFriendlyAddress(
connector.wallet!.account.chain === CHAIN.TESTNET
)}\n\n Disconnect wallet firstly to connect a new one`


const unsubscribe = connector.onStatusChange(async wallet => {
if (wallet) {
await deleteMessage();

const walletName =
(await getWalletInfo(wallet.device.appName))?.name || wallet.device.appName;
await bot.sendMessage(chatId, `${walletName} wallet connected successfully`);

const wallets = await getWallets();

const link = connector.connect(wallets);
const image = await QRCode.toBuffer(link);

const keyboard = await buildUniversalKeyboard(link, wallets);

const botMessage = await bot.sendPhoto(chatId, image, {
reply_markup: {
inline_keyboard: [keyboard]

const deleteMessage = async (): Promise<void> => {
if (!messageWasDeleted) {
messageWasDeleted = true;
await bot.deleteMessage(chatId, botMessage.message_id);

newConnectRequestListenersMap.set(chatId, async () => {

await deleteMessage();


// ... other code

Now we are going to handle TG links properly when user clicks to a wallet button on the second Screen (Choosing a wallet):

src/connect-wallet-menu.ts code
// src/connect-wallet-menu.ts

// ... other code

async function onWalletClick(query: CallbackQuery, data: string): Promise<void> {
const chatId = query.message!.chat.id;
const connector = getConnector(chatId);

const selectedWallet = await getWalletInfo(data);
if (!selectedWallet) {

let buttonLink = connector.connect({
bridgeUrl: selectedWallet.bridgeUrl,
universalLink: selectedWallet.universalLink

let qrLink = buttonLink;

if (isTelegramUrl(selectedWallet.universalLink)) {
buttonLink = addTGReturnStrategy(buttonLink, process.env.TELEGRAM_BOT_LINK!);
qrLink = addTGReturnStrategy(qrLink, 'none');

await editQR(query.message!, qrLink);

await bot.editMessageReplyMarkup(
inline_keyboard: [
text: '« Back',
callback_data: JSON.stringify({ method: 'chose_wallet' })
text: `Open ${selectedWallet.name}`,
url: buttonLink
message_id: query.message?.message_id,
chat_id: chatId

// ... other code

Note that we place different links to the QR and button-link (qrLink and buttonLink), because we don't need redirection when user scans QR by @wallet, and at the same time we need redirect back to the bot when user connects @wallet using button-link.

Now let's add return strategy for TG links in send transaction handler:

src/commands-handlers.ts code
// src/commands-handlers.ts

// ... other code

export async function handleSendTXCommand(msg: TelegramBot.Message): Promise<void> {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;

const connector = getConnector(chatId);

await connector.restoreConnection();
if (!connector.connected) {
await bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Connect wallet to send transaction');

validUntil: Math.round(
(Date.now() + Number(process.env.DELETE_SEND_TX_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_MS)) / 1000
messages: [
amount: '1000000',
address: '0:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
.then(() => {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `Transaction sent successfully`);
.catch(e => {
if (e === pTimeoutException) {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `Transaction was not confirmed`);

if (e instanceof UserRejectsError) {
bot.sendMessage(chatId, `You rejected the transaction`);

bot.sendMessage(chatId, `Unknown error happened`);
.finally(() => connector.pauseConnection());

let deeplink = '';
const walletInfo = await getWalletInfo(connector.wallet!.device.appName);
if (walletInfo) {
deeplink = walletInfo.universalLink;

if (isTelegramUrl(deeplink)) {
const url = new URL(deeplink);
url.searchParams.append('startattach', 'tonconnect');
deeplink = addTGReturnStrategy(url.toString(), process.env.TELEGRAM_BOT_LINK!);

await bot.sendMessage(
`Open ${walletInfo?.name || connector.wallet!.device.appName} and confirm transaction`,
reply_markup: {
inline_keyboard: [
text: `Open ${walletInfo?.name || connector.wallet!.device.appName}`,
url: deeplink

// ... other code

That is it. Now user is able to connect @wallet using special button on the main screen, also we have provided proper return strategy for TG links.

Add a permanent storage

At this moment we store TonConnect sessions in the Map object. But you may want to store it to the database or other permanent storage to save the sessions when you restart the server. We will use Redis for that, but you can pick any permanent storage.

Set up redis

Firstly run npm i redis.

See package details

To work with redis you have to start redis server. We will use the Docker image: docker run -p 6379:6379 -it redis/redis-stack-server:latest

Now add redis connection parameter to the .env. Default redis url is redis://

# .env

Let's integrate redis to the TonConnectStorage:

// src/ton-connect/storage.ts

import { IStorage } from '@tonconnect/sdk';
import { createClient } from 'redis';

const client = createClient({ url: process.env.REDIS_URL });

client.on('error', err => console.log('Redis Client Error', err));

export async function initRedisClient(): Promise<void> {
await client.connect();
export class TonConnectStorage implements IStorage {
constructor(private readonly chatId: number) {}

private getKey(key: string): string {
return this.chatId.toString() + key;

async removeItem(key: string): Promise<void> {
await client.del(this.getKey(key));

async setItem(key: string, value: string): Promise<void> {
await client.set(this.getKey(key), value);

async getItem(key: string): Promise<string | null> {
return (await client.get(this.getKey(key))) || null;

To make it work we have to wait for the redis initialisation in the main.ts. Let's wrap code in this file to an async function:

// src/main.ts
// ... imports

async function main(): Promise<void> {
await initRedisClient();

const callbacks = {

bot.on('callback_query', query => {
if (!query.data) {

let request: { method: string; data: string };

try {
request = JSON.parse(query.data);
} catch {

if (!callbacks[request.method as keyof typeof callbacks]) {

callbacks[request.method as keyof typeof callbacks](query, request.data);

bot.onText(/\/connect/, handleConnectCommand);

bot.onText(/\/send_tx/, handleSendTXCommand);

bot.onText(/\/disconnect/, handleDisconnectCommand);

bot.onText(/\/my_wallet/, handleShowMyWalletCommand);



What is next?

  • If you want to run the bot in production you may want to install and use a process manager like pm2.
  • You can add better errors handling in the bot.

See Also